Lisa Simpson

Simpson's sky


Hello, my name is Lisa Simpson. I like playing the saxophone and fighting for good causes. I also enjoy annoying my big brother bart from time to time.

My family is everything to me

Classic Simpsons Family pic

We spend a lot of time watching television together on our living room couch. This space is particularly crazy for us since there's always something new happening in it. It keeps family time fun & never dull

The extended simpson family at christmas

Christmas time is particularly exciting for us because the entire family joins. We get to enjoy an even livelier time then usual especially because our grandpa and aunts are quite a show to witness.

The family joshing around

We, the Simpsons love to play around. In this picture we were trying to fight dad for his donuts. Boy, does he sure love his donuts!


We have two pets; one is a greyhound called Santa's Little Helper and the latter is a grey cat called snowball

Santa's Little Helper Snowball


I love music so much. I can play multiple instruments and have even won a singing contest. Although, I prefer playing the saxophone, because I have a soft spot for jazz music. Either way, i'll dance to just about anything and music brings me to another world.

Me playing the saxophone Playing the guitar enjoying my music

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